Action Zero to support SMEs
The first council in the UK to champion Action Zero support for local businesses
Stevenage Borough Council were the first council in the UK to purchase Action Zero memberships to support local businesses in the reduction of their carbon footprinting.
Contact to find out how your Stevenage business can claim a free membership and make a difference.
Stevenage business, Pearldrop enjoying their Action Zero journey
Action Zero - every journey starts with a single step

Stevenage business, Staying Alive share their Action Zero journey
Championing Action Zero to support local businesses

Action Zero Skills
Action Zero provides an opportunity for learning. There are a range of free, CPD Certified training sessions to support your net zero journey.
Help your business by demonstrating a clear commitment to learning how to reduce your carbon footprint. Build an improved future for your business, and ask Wenta about Action Zero Certified Courses.
Action Zero Bronze